1,354 research outputs found

    The role of surface charge in the interaction of nanoparticles with model pulmonary surfactants

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    Inhaled nanoparticles traveling through the airways are able to reach the respiratory zone of the lungs. In such event, the incoming particles first enter in contact with the liquid lining the alveolar epithelium, the pulmonary surfactant. The pulmonary surfactant is composed of lipids and proteins that are assembled into large vesicular structures. The question of the nature of the biophysicochemical interaction with the pulmonary surfactant is central to understand how the nanoparticles can cross the air-blood barrier. Here we explore the phase behavior of sub-100 nm particles and surfactant substitutes in controlled conditions. Three types of surfactant mimetics, including the exogenous substitute Curosurf, a drug administred to infants with respiratory distress syndrome are tested together with aluminum oxide (Al2O3), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and polymer (latex) nanoparticles. The main result here is the observation of the spontaneous nanoparticle-vesicle aggregation induced by Coulombic attraction. The role of the surface charges is clearly established. We also evaluate the supported lipid bilayer formation recently predicted and find that in the cases studied these structures do not occur. Pertaining to the aggregate internal structure, fluorescence microscopy ascertains that the vesicles and particles are intermixed at the nano- to microscale. With particles acting as stickers between vesicles, it is anticipated that the presence of inhaled nanomaterials in the alveolar spaces could significantly modify the interfacial and bulk properties of the pulmonary surfactant and interfere with the lung physiology.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Tight-binding molecular-dynamics studies of defects and disorder in covalently-bonded materials

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    Tight-binding (TB) molecular dynamics (MD) has emerged as a powerful method for investigating the atomic-scale structure of materials --- in particular the interplay between structural and electronic properties --- bridging the gap between empirical methods which, while fast and efficient, lack transferability, and ab initio approaches which, because of excessive computational workload, suffer from limitations in size and run times. In this short review article, we examine several recent applications of TBMD in the area of defects in covalently-bonded semiconductors and the amorphous phases of these materials.Comment: Invited review article for Comput. Mater. Sci. (38 pages incl. 18 fig.

    Amorphous silicon under mechanical shear deformations: shear velocity and temperature effects

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    Mechanical shear deformations lead, in some cases, to effects similar to those resulting from ion irradiation. Here we characterize the effects of shear velocity and temperature on amorphous silicon (\aSi) modelled using classical molecular dynamics simulations based on the empirical Environment Dependent Inter-atomic Potential (EDIP). With increasing shear velocity at low temperature, we find a systematic increase in the internal strain leading to the rapid appearance of structural defects (5-fold coordinated atoms). The impacts of externally applied strain can be almost fully compensated by increasing the temperature, allowing the system to respond more rapidly to the deformation. In particular, we find opposite power-law relations between the temperature and the shear velocity and the deformation energy. The spatial distribution of defects is also found to strongly depend on temperature and strain velocity. For low temperature or high shear velocity, defects are concentrated in a few atomic layers near the center of the cell while, with increasing temperature or decreasing shear velocity, they spread slowly throughout the full simulation cell. This complex behavior can be related to the structure of the energy landscape and the existence of a continuous energy-barrier distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure

    Binary continuous random networks

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    Many properties of disordered materials can be understood by looking at idealized structural models, in which the strain is as small as is possible in the absence of long-range order. For covalent amorphous semiconductors and glasses, such an idealized structural model, the continuous-random network, was introduced 70 years ago by Zachariasen. In this model, each atom is placed in a crystal-like local environment, with perfect coordination and chemical ordering, yet longer-range order is nonexistent. Defects, such as missing or added bonds, or chemical mismatches, however, are not accounted for. In this paper we explore under which conditions the idealized CRN model without defects captures the properties of the material, and under which conditions defects are an inherent part of the idealized model. We find that the density of defects in tetrahedral networks does not vary smoothly with variations in the interaction strengths, but jumps from close-to-zero to a finite density. Consequently, in certain materials, defects do not play a role except for being thermodynamical excitations, whereas in others they are a fundamental ingredient of the ideal structure.Comment: Article in honor of Mike Thorpe's 60th birthday (to appear in J. Phys: Cond Matt.

    Biophysicochemical interaction of a clinical pulmonary surfactant with nano-alumina

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    We report on the interaction of pulmonary surfactant composed of phospholipids and proteins with nanometric alumina (Al2O3) in the context of lung exposure and nanotoxicity. We study the bulk properties of phospholipid/nanoparticle dispersions and determine the nature of their interactions. The clinical surfactant Curosurf, both native and extruded, and a protein-free surfactant are investigated. The phase behavior of mixed surfactant/particle dispersions was determined by optical and electron microscopy, light scattering and zeta potential measurements. It exhibits broad similarities with that of strongly interacting nanosystems such as polymers, proteins or particles, and supports the hypothesis of electrostatic complexation. At a critical stoichiometry, micron sized aggregates arising from the association between oppositely charged vesicles and nanoparticles are formed. Contrary to the models of lipoprotein corona or of particle wrapping, our work shows that vesicles maintain their structural integrity and trap the particles at their surfaces. The agglomeration of particles in surfactant phase is a phenomenon of importance since it could change the interactions of the particles with lung cells.Comment: 19 pages 9 figure

    Activated sampling in complex materials at finite temperature: the properly-obeying-probability activation-relaxation technique

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    While the dynamics of many complex systems is dominated by activated events, there are very few simulation methods that take advantage of this fact. Most of these procedures are restricted to relatively simple systems or, as with the activation-relaxation technique (ART), sample the conformation space efficiently at the cost of a correct thermodynamical description. We present here an extension of ART, the properly-obeying-probability ART (POP-ART), that obeys detailed balance and samples correctly the thermodynamic ensemble. Testing POP-ART on two model systems, a vacancy and an interstitial in crystalline silicon, we show that this method recovers the proper thermodynamical weights associated with the various accessible states and is significantly faster than MD in the diffusion of a vacancy below 700 K.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of Lennard-Jones clusters: A characterization of the activation-relaxation technique

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    The potential energy surface (PES) of Lennard-Jones clusters is investigated using the activation-relaxation technique (ART). This method defines events in the configurational energy landscape as a two-step process: (a) a configuration is first activated from a local minimum to a nearby saddle-point and (b) is then relaxed to a new minimum. Although ART has been applied with success to a wide range of materials such as a-Si, a-SiO2 and binary Lennard-Jones glasses, questions remain regarding the biases of the technique. We address some of these questions in a detailed study of ART-generated events in Lennard-Jones (LJ) clusters, a system for which much is already known. In particular, we study the distribution of saddle-points, the pathways between configurations, and the reversibility of paths. We find that ART can identify all trajectories with a first-order saddle point leaving a given minimum, is fully reversible, and samples events following the Boltzmann weight at the saddle point.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures in postscrip

    Evolution of the potential-energy surface of amorphous silicon

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    The link between the energy surface of bulk systems and their dynamical properties is generally difficult to establish. Using the activation-relaxation technique (ART nouveau), we follow the change in the barrier distribution of a model of amorphous silicon as a function of the degree of relaxation. We find that while the barrier-height distribution, calculated from the initial minimum, is a unique function that depends only on the level of distribution, the reverse-barrier height distribution, calculated from the final state, is independent of the relaxation, following a different function. Moreover, the resulting gained or released energy distribution is a simple convolution of these two distributions indicating that the activation and relaxation parts of a the elementary relaxation mechanism are completely independent. This characterized energy landscape can be used to explain nano-calorimetry measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Traveling through potential energy landscapes of disordered materials: the activation-relaxation technique

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    A detailed description of the activation-relaxation technique (ART) is presented. This method defines events in the configurational energy landscape of disordered materials, such as a-Si, glasses and polymers, in a two-step process: first, a configuration is activated from a local minimum to a nearby saddle-point; next, the configuration is relaxed to a new minimum; this allows for jumps over energy barriers much higher than what can be reached with standard techniques. Such events can serve as basic steps in equilibrium and kinetic Monte Carlo schemes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Self-vacancies in Gallium Arsenide: an ab initio calculation

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    We report here a reexamination of the static properties of vacancies in GaAs by means of first-principles density-functional calculations using localized basis sets. Our calculated formation energies yields results that are in good agreement with recent experimental and {\it ab-initio} calculation and provide a complete description of the relaxation geometry and energetic for various charge state of vacancies from both sublattices. Gallium vacancies are stable in the 0, -, -2, -3 charge state, but V_Ga^-3 remains the dominant charge state for intrinsic and n-type GaAs, confirming results from positron annihilation. Interestingly, Arsenic vacancies show two successive negative-U transitions making only +1, -1 and -3 charge states stable, while the intermediate defects are metastable. The second transition (-/-3) brings a resonant bond relaxation for V_As^-3 similar to the one identified for silicon and GaAs divacancies.Comment: 14 page
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